Kathleen “Kathy” DeLorme, B.A. – Community Liaison

I have over 25 years of experience in the field of social service and mental health. I have a strong passion for helping people and advocating for people who have trouble advocating for themselves. I find I’m drawn to people who are marginalized, thrown away, forgotten about and generally mistreated. In my years of work in this field, I have helped people to get free from legal charges that weren’t theirs and to be removed from excessive monitoring once their time was complete. Helping to allow these people to have a free and enjoyable life.

In my free time, I enjoy spending most of it with my dog, Finneus Neptune. I also enjoy researching ancestry, photography, music, and making videos using all these elements. Success in this field requires a lot of self-care and to do that I employ these interests along with, Zen Buddhism.  I’ve had the honor of being able to expand and study this for over 20 years under the lineage of Thich Nhat Hanh obtaining the Dharma name Compassionate Refuge Of The Heart.