On-Site Sheltering Services

COMING JUNE* 2024!!!

Safe Havens help those experiencing family crisis, run aways, homeless youth and those experiencing mental and behavioral health issues. Additionally, services will be expanded to include access to respite services.

Seeking to restore access to safe refuge for youth aged 10-19**.

Our trauma-informed comprehensive therapeutic program will include:

  • 12 bds
  • intensive, time-limited interventions
  • case management
  • therapuetic interventions for emotional, psychological, behavioral and social crises
  • behavior modification program
  • evidence-based and trauma-informed care practices
  • continuum-of-care and referrals
  • safe, stable, and nurturing environment
  • kinship care support services and respite

Benefits to this type of preventative service include:

  • housing-first model
  • whole individual and family approach
  • prevents escalation of family crises
  • bridges the gap from homelessness to permanent housing
  • builds resilience and development of healthy coping strategies, life skills, and self-sufficiency
  • fosters a sense of belonging
  • empowers youth and families

Populations we will serve include any youth in crisis, such as:

  • runaways (10-17)
  • homeless (18-19)
  • transitioning home from hospital services
  • coping with neurodevelopmental, behavioral, and/or trauma-related challenges

*Project Goal Date, not confirmed.

**RHY 10-17, NJ 13-19